Who is EUMEDIQ, anyway? Let’s start the series with: Lisa!

In the coming months, we will introduce you to the team. Let’s start with: Lisa!

What is your field of expertise?
I am mainly responsible for design transfer. I help to ensure that newly developed products also make it to production. My specialty is process development and risk management, making sure all processes run smoothly. I am a safety expert for non-active medical devices and support with sterilization and biocompatibility topics.

Please give us an example.
I am supporting a customer in the development of an Insulin Patch Pump, which is attached directly onto the arm. We assess risks for the patient in contact with the device, define actions and tests to mitigate and/or exclude risks. Then the product moves from lab to lab for testing. I am the interface between those who identify the risks and those who carry out the tests, monitoring all activities.

What do your teammates have to say about you?
Always in a good mood (like really), reliable, passionate. But a real Swiss “Tüpflischisser” when it comes to correct spelling.

When do you get going in your day-to-day work?
At everything that has to do with risk analysis. Brainstorming, identifying risks, taking things apart, thinking around many corners – in my field there are many different products and processes, e.g., highly automated injection molding production. As a biomedical and chemical engineer, I get going when it comes to numbers, data, and facts.

EUMEDIQ is a provider of Regulatory Services. What do you have a sharp eye for?
For patterns and repeating structures. I can quickly connect dots and I like it when things are in order. In everyday life, however, I’m rather casual. Those around me always think I’m incredibly well organized – if my mother heard that, she’d laugh out loud.

On the team website we can see Lisa wearing a helmet?
I’ve started downhill mountain biking five years ago. I’ve always done a lot of road cycling, but mountain biking has a different vibe. I generally love things that give me adrenalin rushes. Kind of doing sports without really noticing that you’re doing sports.

What might you have liked to do if you hadn’t become a consultant?
I once wanted to study music. I play different instruments but decided to keep it as a hobby. I used to sing in a metal band, currently I just have a project with two friends, from time to time we write songs and jam together.

What values are most important to you when you are with a customer?
Good, open communication. There’s nothing I hate more than when people just don’t talk to me. I appreciate being allowed to address things openly. A culture of mistakes is essential: It’s not important WHO makes mistakes, but HOW you do it better in the future.

A good end of the day is when…
… people are satisfied. That doesn’t necessarily mean that all problems are solved. It means knowing the way forward and having the goal in mind.

If you have any questions or concerns for Lisa, please feel free to contact her directly at lisa.kamber@eumediq.eu.

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